Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

What they said about me ...

Nzah is cute
Smoga hatinya juga cute ^^
Cerdas, tahu banyak hal
Tinggal di aplikasiin...hhehe
(Ikah Solikah)

I believe that nzah :
-          Honest, keep your honesty J
-          Good learner : you like to learn everthing
(Neng – Saja’atunn Nengsih)

Kelihatan dari luar emang kaya anak kecil, tapi ternyata subhanallah dewasa banget, pemikirannya luas, sosialnya jempol. NN

Childish dan menyenangkan
Easy going orangnya jadi gampang akrab. Ilmu agamanya juga luas (pas kemaren sharing).
Keep istiqomah njah :D Rini

Kadang kayak childish tapi ternyata kadang mature juga. Ceria, ceplas-ceplos, cuek, fashionable, nice of course

Ruci : sometime u look so adult, but sometime so childish, buut i feel comfort with u ^,^

Zah, you cannot stop learning, reading and gathering with good people.
You have got potential to maximize your strenghth and it can be done by doing things mentioned above. Gie

Tetep semangat, jangan terlalu moody, xixixixi
Jangan telat mulu. Semangat aerobik yeeee!! Wkwk
Tetep lucu dan rameeee. 21 minutes ago by ayip

Dponz : nice to know u J

BasytSholeh: hmm
You have a good creativity, good to make a decision, cherfuul, expresssive and kind.
Use your good side above to make something different in your life.
Less ur lazyness, keep trying and realize all ur dreams J

Im’om: Heeeh....don’t be always late.
Focus and don’t be “lelet” when doing something.
Please treat / traktir me with ur payment.
I know u have many part time job!
So... Di tunggu yah ...

You are a good girl, keep ur style to improve your knowledge, especially English. Ajat.sf@yahoo.com

Well to be honest u r more like a child, haha. No offense J
But i guess that’s what makes urself special. Just be cheerful everytime. I don’t know u that much actually, so let’s just be good friends! (Uci-Sanuzi)

Lot of many comment in here...
I guess i only say idem from comment anyone else (Adit)

Nzah itu ...hmmm...
Keliatan kaya anak2...hehehe
You are cherful...ceria banget ^,^
Tapi kalo lagi bad mood keliatan dari mukanya, wkwkw
 Keep cherful ya nzah (Tika)

De... i luv u because of Allah.
I hope you become better muslimah.

Jadi wanita yang bisa membahagiakan Ortu di dunia dan akhirat. Jangan boros! (Imas)
Nzah itu orangnya ekspressif, tapi nampak sekali ada yang di tutupi. Ah itu mahpersonal kali ya...
Tetap semangat bergabung dengan MEC ya. I luv u coz Allah. Tuty

2 komentar:

  1. ini salah satu posting yg paling panjang,hmm.. heu

  2. Haha, kenang2an dari teman2 di MEC DT, waktu outing ke Taman Bunga Nusantara.

    They are my great frens, my family ^^
